
  • To provide a platform for older people’s voices.
  • To promote the work of Caribbean and mixed cultural older artists and theatre makers.
  • To reduce isolation through building positive relationships.
  • To build resilience around independence and ‘successful aging’.
  • To improve the mental and physical wellbeing of older people through raising their confidence and self esteem and sharing moments of happiness.


Projects for the groups are bespoke and run from 3 months of weekly sessions to 24 months creating a larger theatre piece.


The groups are led by older people who make all the key decisions about what they do. JaZanne Arts directors support by running training sessions and overseeing all aspects of the productions, from marketing to stage management, directing and design and helping group members to create theatre of artistic excellence that they will be proud of.


All projects for the groups aim to receive grant funding. Members can give voluntary donations to help cover some basic costs, but do not pay for JaZanne Arts artists. JaZanne Arts supports the groups to apply for funding or does so on their behalf.


JaZanne Arts directors will ensure the smooth running of the projects. At least one of the directors plus other experienced arts facilitators will deliver the training sessions and production support. 

This Newham based theatre group, is primarily African Caribbean women aged from 60-80. Jazanne Arts supports them to write, produce and perform their own original shows based on issues of concern to them.

Their work includes ‘Meeting Places’ which was run in partnership with Stratford Arts Circus.

Their next piece is ‘Breadline’ a play set in a food bank about the cost of living crisis and mental ill health.  

“Involvement in drama helps me to come out of myself. I meet and interact with older people and it gives me a sense of wellbeing. I believe the same will go for others if we get them involved and interested."

- Age Well Actors Member

‘You guide us, but it is our ideas and that’s what I like.’


‘I’m enjoying learning different ways to start writing.’


‘I get lots of ideas from the group.’


‘I look forward to my Fridays.’


‘I love telling stories.’


Funded by: City Bridge Trust and Awards for all  

This Enfield based group doubles up as an advisory committee for JaZanne Arts.

This diverse group create their own films and theatre facilitated by experienced older professional artists.

Including, Act Now, a science fiction climate change film.

The are currently working on making this piece into a radio play.

Many of the group also volunteer on Jazanne’s intergenerational projects and with the Joyful Connections project.  

‘It was a fantastic experience doing the filming, I didn’t think I could do it, but you ladies helped me every step of the way’ 


‘I am so glad that you found me, my life has changed entirely and for that i will always be so grateful to you two ladies.’


‘The more I write, the more I feel to write. You have given me the inspiration.’


‘I like it for the laughter – we need it!’


‘I feel old at the moment, but your sessions make me feel young.’


Funded by :City Bridge Trust,  Awards for All / Big Lottery, John Laing, private donations, Meridian Water, Enfield Council  

Reminiscence Café we are currently working in partnership with Applecart Arts based in Nehwam.

This is an open drop-in project session where individuals can come and share tea, cake and stories with reminiscence artifacts.

Funded by: City Bridge Trust and Awards for all  

Aurora is for independent older people who write and perform their own work facilitated by professional theatre makers.

One group, the ‘Dream Team’ is based in Enfield and the other group ‘Agewell drama group’ is based in Newham with 25 members between them, aged from 60 -90.

They came together remotely in order to reduce loneliness and isolation, raise confidence and improve wellbeing.

Both groups began in lockdown and produced ‘Through My Window’ which is a collection of audio plays and a book about their experiences of being isolated during the epidemic.  

Funded by The National Lottery Community Fund, UK Government Coronavirus Community Support Fund 

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