At Jazanne Arts we place older people at the heart of our work, using creative arts and reminiscence to improve resilience, wellbeing and quality of life.

Our vision is to strengthen the landscape of arts for and with older people, removing barriers, providing a platform for the older ‘voice’ and raising the profile and quality of this creative work.

We will develop original, bold, older and inter-generational participatory projects and professional theatre of the highest standard. We will use a multi- sensory approach focusing on reminiscence and creativity across generations. By sharing memories, supporting relationships and building resilience we will work together towards 'successful aging'.

Jazanne Art’s methods include storytelling, reminiscence, drama, music, movement, film, arts, crafts and creative writing. Our beneficiaries are people living with dementia, independent older people from mixed cultural backgrounds and Caribbean elders.

We create...

... original multi-sensory, interactive productions and participatory projects touring to older people in care homes, at memory and luncheon clubs and in day centres throughout London and the South East.

We Support…

…independent older people from Caribbean and mixed cultural backgrounds to create, produce and perform their own work. 

We deliver...

...bespoke participatory arts activities for people living with dementias and their families/carers.

...intergenerational arts projects bringing children and older people together to share stories and create heritage based performance art programmes.

We provide...

 ...arts training for those working with and caring for older people.

"I have made more friends and I enjoy being around other people, I am usually alone all day."

Older Participant

We are funded by:

Website © 2020-2022 Jazanne Arts