Jazanne Arts have made a two interactive videos with songs, chair exercises and stories from the past to trigger memories and spread joy.

The videos about 'Childhood memories' and 'Dancing days' are suitable for people born in the 40's and 50's and are a great way to have quality time with loved ones, and for care workers and activity officers to use in small groups.

The videos are also a great way to introduce the charaters of 'Esme and Elsie' to our audiences of people living with dementia who are gong to see the live version of 'Exchanging Dreams'.

Childhood Memories

This video is for people born in the 1940s, 50s and 60s and explores childhood games and stories. It is a #reminiscence video with songs, memories and chair exercises that can be shared with family, carers or friends #dementia or viewed independently.

There are questions in the film and a booklet is available with follow up questions, stories and activities.

There is a booklet with further stories, questions and activities also on this page.

Dancing and Days

This video is made for people who were born in the 1940's, 50's and 60's and their family members/carers/friends. It is a #reminiscence video about going out dancing with questions where you can pause to think or chat about with loved ones.

There is a booklet with further stories, questions and activities also on this page.

Read the booklet online

The Exchanging Dreams booklet has follow on questions, stories and ideas for activities.

It can be viewed here on the Issuu Website

Or download the PDF Version here (8 Mb).




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